What torque values should I use for the RF connectors?


Our recommendation is 1 Nm for stainless steel connectors of type N, SMA or PC3.5 as supplied by us. We offer two torque wrench accessories with our recommended setting:

  • The TA356 SMA wrench will fit all SMA, PC3.5 and K-type connectors, which are standardized at 8 mm across flats.
  • The TA358 N wrench will fit and operate reliably on all 20 mm and most 19 mm nuts (some 19 mm are toorounded at the corners and will need a 19 mm wrench). Our wrench will not fit the majority of 13/16 inch (20.6mm) nuts.

If mating to gold-plated brass, you should use a reduced torque of around 0.56 Nm to avoid damage to the softer connector. A wrench with this torque setting is readily available from other suppliers.



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